This is what I'm doing for a good client, she always brings me chairs to re-style. Actually to re-upholster. I should have taken a picture of what it looked like before, but I couldn't wait to get the hideous fabric off, and start new. Any hoo, I do work like this, so I can buy my art supplies.
I used to have a vintage shop, selling re-styled furniture, antique pieces, etc, when this customer came in and wanted to know if I could upholster a chair for her. "Well sure" I said. I had only re-styled, by painting furniture pieces, or making a cabinet out of old doors. Not to turn a customer away I jumped right in. No, I had never attempted upholstery before, but there is always a first time for everything. What did I get myself into?...it wasn't to bad, the trick was to take the old fabric off slowly so I could see how to put the new fabric back on. I always self teach! Thinking this would be a one time job,sweating bullets hoping the customer would like it... I am now doing a 6th chair for her. And I thank her very much, because every time I run low on art supplies, she calls and say, "Lisa can you do another chair for me?"
I post a picture when I'm finished. Now I'm going to get messy with some paper pulp, and start another Halloween...I know I have a chair to finish, but a character is screaming to be sculpted!