Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Rose, Like no Other!

The weather outside is getting frightful! It's
cold, near freezing, but I'm still getting,
in pink!
The zinnia looks red in this photo, but
it's a deep hot pink and luscious!

It's crazy I tell ya, crazy! 
Were the bees late pollinating?
Or, a reminder that Spring is just around the corner?
Ours is not to reason why...but maybe, to step back,
and remember to smell the roses!

Be Well!


Dianie said...

hi honey b :)

Oh my, they are lushious and so beautiful!

I can close my eyes and breathe in deep and just smell their sweet fragrance :)

They are beautiful shades of pink.


Cobblestone Creations said...

It MUST be the amazing aura we exude! My creeping phlox are blooming today ~ in Wisconsin!! :O

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Oh, how pretty! I noticed some small pink tea roses in the yard today - blooming nicely amidst all the bare branches and brown leaves. It was so pretty - and yet so odd when it is chilly out! Theresa

Shes Off Her Rocker said...

So funny, Lisa! My butterfly bush is in full bloom , too! I thought that was strange, too! Happy Thanksgiving with flowers!!