Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Chains

That bind, us,
the chain gang,
the ball and chain
the chain letter!
The Chain of life, 
well you get the idea,
but in this case,
the chain is my,
Ornie tree,

Bet this wasn't the chain reaction you were expecting!
I often use whats available and I usually use this old rusty 
chain to hook my notes, pictures and little 
treasures of this and that,
 to remind me to do something with it.
 Really, I'm not pulling your Chain!


Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Love it!! I recently picked up some chain that has clips on it and after seeing yours I'm thinking it may go perfect on my windowframe bulletin board . . . hmmmmm . . . now where did I put it . . . .


HI! I'm Tabitha said...

hey lisa,
r those mary jane wrappers i see? i luv the idea... hugs

Dianie said...

Well i'll be darned, Lisa!
That is one splendid idea !!!!
Who Knew that Chain could be so cool.( YOU DID!!!).
I have plenty of rusty chain, and i'm going to put it to good use in my decor'.
Thanks for the tip ;)


Cobblestone Creations said...

OMG! You can make anything look good!

yoborobo said...

Excellent use of chain, my dear! lol! Just goes to show how creative you are. xox Pam

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Your ornaments are SO cute!!!! Love them all - especially that owl!!! :)

JDConwell said...

You crack me up.

I have a chain (not a cool one like yours) draped across my studio workspace where I hang things to dry...arms, legs, etc. :~)

Love the ornies...