Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Preping to Paint!

It's a slow lazy week, trying to take down Christmas. 
Hoping to organize, but I'm getting distracted again.
I was going to prep a huge canvas and start painting.
But I found these tiny canvas's and started playing with
liquid pencil...I could play around with color washes all day.
and watercolors!
 The vulture, started out as an owl, but hey!
My mind wondered!
all of these are the first layer, now for the details.
And I'm going to mix a batch of paper mache and see what
what happens.

I also want to change the blog again!
Not so slow and lazy after all.
Be Well!


she dreams big! said...

You are putting the long week (at least I think it always seems long) between Christmas and New Years to good use! Me? I'm being lazy and trying to organize and purge the Christmas decorations but I'm loosing interest and think I'll just shove everything back in the closet like always!

Wish I had just a touch of your amazing talent!

Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

You are so talented, Lisa!!

I'm ready to take down the decorations but it may be a few days as tomorrow I have my root canal, YUCK, am so not looking forward to that, and between work and going for little outings with Richard (he's on vacation this week) who knows when I'll find the time!


Dawn in the Forest said...

I always love your painting:) I haven't been blogging for I haven't seen all the wonderful things you've been doing:) Have a happy New Year!

Liz Revit said...

Lisa, I love the two birds on the tiny canvases. I'm curious to know what a liquid pencil is.

Sylvia Sim said...

Oh wow - they are all fantastic! Especially love your sweet little birdies, cute!

Sylvia Sim said...

They would do really well on Etsy Lisa, go for it!! Looking forward to seeing your bluebirds, and roll on Springtime...I am so over Winter now, lol!