Monday, January 23, 2012

There's a New Moon!

But you can see this one!
I've listed him in my Etsy Shop,

Please forgive the photo shots, I"m having the darnedest
time with my camera.  I have to take a 100 shots to get a few good ones. No Skills!
Still looking for a new one,
and I admit, I'm picky!
But if I'm going to shell out the green stuff, I'm going 
to make sure I get my moneys worth!!!!!
I've been so busy, doing nothing!

Yep, that takes up time!
Nothing, means, organizing, cleaning, washing, 
vacuuming, painting, cutting wood, and,
now this one is important...looking in the mirror and 
saying, " mirror mirror on the wall, where in the hell did that wrinkle come from"!!!!

Hopefully, on this night of the New Moon, 
I'm going to catch up on the blogs of friends who always, always,
stop by to see me.
Just know that I truly appreciate you all!!

I have a lot to be grateful for, Thank you!
 and be Well!


Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Oh, Lisa, he is just wonderful!!!!

Boy, I know the feeling. Today was one of those days . . . been up since 3:00 a.m., couldn't sleep, and it's been non-stop all day!

I hope you find the camera you love. I really ♥ mine!!

Ha ha ha, I found a gray hair in my eyebrow the other day, I about fainted!!


Nancy said...

Oh, Lisa...I love this piece! I love the way the "star dust" falls over the pretty.
Your pictures are just fine! But I do understand...I have a professional camera, but I just recently bought a new point and shoot to replace my older one. This new one is is a CoolPix 7100. It is simple to use with a few interesting settings.

Have a wonderful day!
Hugs, Nancy

maddyrose said...

WOW! I love this fabulous new piece. I've been doing a lot of nothing myself and my list of nothing sounds very much like yours. I had to laugh at the mirror comment. I have a "avoid mirrors at all cost" thing going on. It started back when I noticed that it's not me I see there but some old lady with no eyebrows and thinning gray hair. Scared the bageebies out of me! Have a great week, Lisa. Hugs

Jan Conwell said...

This little fellow is magical. Seriously, looks like a piece from the '40s only not. :~)

magikalseasons said...

Oh Lisa all your moon men are just magical! :)

yoborobo said...

Lisa!!! I love your moon man. So magical! And your photo looks fine to me! :) xox

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Oh Lisa! This piece is STUNNING!!!! Good luck on your search for the perfect camera. I hope you find one that is worthy of your art!!!

LuLu Kellogg said...

This is wonderful Lisa! You have been a busy little bee!!


brandi said...

~you and are on the same journey...last year i purchased a camera that had wonderful get home a play and was highly went back and once more i have been researching away trying to find the perfect fit...

i am over the moon with this wee little one...perched up high where dreams can run beautiful is this piece...much love light and blessings~